Lumine Law



How long does the Divorce process take?

Child Arrangements

Financial Settlement

How can Lumine Solicitors help?

Lumine Solicitors experienced divorce team is here to help guide you through your divorce, as well as provide services on children’s arrangements and financial settlements.


You can apply for a divorce, provided that:

As of April 6, 2022, a new law has come into effect, replacing the previous system with no fault divorce. Under this law, individuals seeking divorce or dissolution can apply jointly with their spouse or civil partner, or individually. There’s no longer a requirement to provide a reason for the marriage breakdown or to assign blame to any party. Instead, a statement confirming the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage suffices.

How long does the Divorce process take?

Various factors, including the agreement on finances by both partners and the timely return of paperwork, can influence the duration of the divorce process. On average, divorce proceedings typically last between 6 and 8 months. We recognise the importance of completing the divorce process but advise against rushing such a significant decision to ensure client satisfaction.

Child Arrangements

Lumine solicitors understand how complex and sensitive the divorce process is. Thus, we offer children’s services to make your divorce process smoother, including:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance with our children’s services.

Financial Settlement

Financial settlement is often considered one of the most difficult aspects of divorce. Therefore, Lumine Solicitors divorce team can provide you with tailored advice so you can reach a swift solution to the financial settlement in your divorce matter.

Feel free to read more about our financial settlement services by clicking here.

How can Lumine Solicitors help?

Lumine Solicitors dedicated team is here to provide you with stress-free guidance through the divorce process, including childcare arrangements and financial settlements. We will discuss your circumstances with you to get a better understanding of your case and explain to you the legal process and options available to you.


Whether you’re considering divorce, initiating proceedings, or dealing with disagreements over assets or child custody, you can rely on us on us to provide you with compassionate and knowledgeable guidance during this challenging time.

For all divorce matters please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3950 2246 or Contact Us HERE

How we can help you?

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Lumine Solicitors