Lumine Law


What is a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

When may a Pre-Nuptial Agreement be wanted?

Is a Pre-Nuptial Agreement legally binding?

How long does the agreement process take?

How can Lumine Solicitors help?

What is a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

A prenup, or prenuptial agreement, is a contract agreed upon before marriage that involves creating a document that clearly defines which property and financial assets belong to each partner. In most cases, both parties will need to sign a prenuptial agreement at least 28 days before the planned wedding date. Lumine solicitors advise that the agreement is created sufficiently in advance of the marriage so parties to the agreement have time to consider the terms.

When may a Pre-Nuptial Agreement be wanted?

There are many reasons you may want a pre-nuptial agreement such as:

Is a Pre-Nuptial Agreement legally binding?

Prenup agreements are not legally enforceable in England and Wales. However courts sometimes consider them important, especially when there’s a financial gap between partners. It’s wise to have one if financial situations differ.

How long does the agreement process take?

Depending on factors such as the complexity of the agreement and the availabilities of the parties, it can take several weeks to several months to complete the process.

How can Lumine Solicitors help?

Lumine Solicitors family law team has expert experience in advising clients, drafting, and signing prenuptial agreements.

For all pre-nuptial agreement matters please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3950 2246 or Contact Us HERE

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